What You Missed This Evening Not Joining The Free VSA Chat Room And Using SMART VSA

In the VSA Chat Room (free to all) I called a long CHF trade off what was shaping up to be a nice reverse upthrust (SMART Blue Bar) at about 2:45 AM EST on the Globex CHF Hourly Chart.  At 3:00 AM we got the confirmed signal (RUT) and closed 15 minutes later for 148 pips.


Come join in the discussion and trades.  Link is below after the screenshots and chat transcript.


Hourly Chart (VSA Signals Illustrated by SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software:


Screenshot of trades (all details):
What You Missed This Evening Not Joining The Free VSA Chat Room And Using SMART VSA


Chat Transcript from the Volume Spread Analysis Live Chat Room:



Me: long chf
Removed non relevant chat room chatter

(03:15:56) Me: +100 on long chf
(03:16:20) Me: leaving it on a bit longer
Removed non relevant chat room chatter.
(03:16:55) Me: not bad for a 1/2 hour
(03:18:22) Me: 120
Removed non relevant chat room chatter
(03:18:36) Me: gonna bail and call it a night
(03:19:19) Me: closed at 148ish


And there you have it.  This week I will try to get back to my regular posting schedule and give more trade examples using Volume Spread Analysis and SMART.


Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com
Good luck trading and see you in the chat.
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1283+ Pips In One Week Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis

If this messes up forgive me… It's the first time I have posted a video.  I had to use video to show this example as a screenshot was too difficult thanks to my mini's small screen and the amount of scrolling for all the trades in the week.

Please Note: The following trades were all done using basic VSA and SMART VSA signals illustrated within SMART over the last week (four days actually).

I trade baskets using Volume Spread Analysis on the hourly chart and because I trade baskets it looks like a lot of trades but if you separate by comments (each basket) you can see there weren't many trades at all and this was actually a pretty slow week trading wise as I had a number of personal things to attend to.

 Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

For more information about Volume Spread Analysis or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit 

SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.
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Forex Datafeeds

I always say that the volume between Forex brokers is relational.  What I mean is that if you are using a fairly large broker or ECN broker then typically even though the volume amounts might be different between them the bars are relationally the same. 
IE a no demand bar on one broker is typically a no demand on another broker.  
The only times I find this might go awry is during what we call Dead Zones (Lower than average volume/activity periods) but I would say you shouldn't trade during these periods anyway.

That said I find Broco (BrocoTrader Platform) to be an excellent source for volume as is FXPro and FXCM etc.

I would also like to mention that we are planning a stand alone version which will allow you to use multiple datafeeds (mt4, esignal etc) This will likely be a free upgrade for anyone using our current mt4 version.

For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit 
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.
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Update To Previous Post (AKA Yes It Really Is This Easy Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis)

Here is an update to the last post.  This new post shows strength in the form of a SMART No Selling Pressure Bar.


Update To Previous Post (AKA Yes It Really Is This Easy Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis)


Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com
Good luck trading and see you in the chat.
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More examples of SMART VSA Hidden Selling and Hidden Buying on US Dollar Index

Here are a couple more examples of both Hidden Selling and Hidden Buying (refer to the earlier post for description).  We have a module in planning now with custom alerts and bar colors.  Forgive the low resolution (I am on my netbook atm)


More examples of SMART VSA Hidden Selling and Hidden Buying on US Dollar Index



Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on. 

These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well. 

Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system). 

For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com 

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.

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One Full Trading Session Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis Software

The following chart illustrates how easily VSA can be traded using very powerful but simple concepts brilliantly illustrated in real time by SMART.


The total amount of pips trading the GBP/USD alone using the following signals was roughly 234.


One Full Trading Session Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis Software



Text from screenshot:
One Full Trading Session Using SMART Volume Spread Analysis – GBP 60 Minute Globex Chart using a combination of standard and SMART VSA:


1. Dead Zones (Low Volume Areas) These are typically no trade areas.  Please refer to: Volume Spread Analysis (Dead Zones)
2. Effort To Rise (SMART Green Bar – Strength)
3. Invalid but looks like hidden selling (Caution)
4. Wide Range Down Bar preceding an Upthrust (SMART Red Bar – Strength) Hidden Buying
5. Ultra High Volume Effort To Rise (SMART Green Bar – Weakness)
6. Advanced Supply Indication (SMART Red Square – Weakness) as well as an invalid  hidden sellingish pattern
7. Two healthy volume Effort To Fall Signals (SMART Hot Pink Bar – Weakness)
8. SMART VSA Reverse Spinning Rowboat (SMART Green Bar and Dot – Strength)


There you have it… one full session using SMART Volume Spread Analysis.


The total amount of pips trading the GBP/USD alone using the above signals was roughly 234.
If you trade multiple GBP denominated pairs at once (as I do) multiply this by a factor of 4.5.


The above trading example does not take into account any scaling in.  It is a straight “signal to signal” example.


This is a 60 minute chart and SMART includes alerts so you don’t have to sit watching charts all day.


Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Volume Spread Analysis or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com
Good luck trading and see you in the chat.
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Classic Shakeout

Classic Volume Spread Analysis Shakeout (also hidden selling (module in future update)
The Shakeout is one of my favorites of the classic Volume Spread Analysis signals.  The following chart illustrates a classic example of a Shakeout (SMART Grey Bar) and thanks to SMART’s Audio Alerts you wouldn’t have missed it.


Smart Volume Analysis Classic Shakeout
Sorry for the lower resolution of this screenshot.  It was taken on my mini netbook.  



Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.

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Volume Dead Zones And SMART VSA (Volume Spread Analysis)

Often people learning VSA or using our own Volume Spread Analysis Software SMART ask questions about trades that didn’t work out and why.  Obviously not everything is 100% but understanding an often overlooked and simple concept (Dead Zones) can have a dramatic effect on your Volume Spread Analysis and nine times out of ten is why a pattern (even very strong ones) fail. 

Take a look at the following chart (used earlier as well to identify hidden selling and hidden buying) for some quick examples.  (If you use SMART simply scroll back through your charts and looks for these dead zones and how the smart signal behave in those areas)


Volume Dead Zones And SMART VSA (Volume Spread Analysis)


Text from screenshot:


VSA Dead Zones And How To Interpret Signals Ouside and Within These Areas:


A Dead Zone is any area on your chart where volume is significantly below normal or below average.


Volume Spread Analysis and SMART VSA patterns should be used with caution within these areas.


0. Various VSA Signals Both Inside and Outside of Dead Zones


1. SMART Blue Bar (Reverse Upthrust – Strength) The signals happens within a dead zone and you can see price meanders for quite a while (H1 Chart)  It does generally go in the direct you would expect but it takes a while for any significant movement.


2. SMART Orange Bar (Supply Coming In – Weakness) Here the signal happens outside of the dead zone area and you can see the expected movement as a result is much quicker.


3. This is the same signal as #1 (Strength) but happens during healthy volume.  You can clearly see the difference.


4. Advanced Spinning Rowboat as well as a standard Upthrust (Weakness) during a Healthy Volume Area.


You can see from the examples Volume Spread Analysis is a very powerful trading method but you must be aware of, and use caution trading in low volume (dead zone areas) if you want to trade VSA successfully.


A Dead Zone Module for SMART is planned for a future update as is our SMART Volume Module.


Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com
Good luck trading and see you in the chat.


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Correctly Identify Hidden Selling and Hidden Buying Using VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) and SMART VSA

Many people in the live chat and pm’s ask how to correctly identify hidden selling and hidden buying and how to distinguish these patterns from similar patterns such as market top (which looks like hidden selling if not using SMART).  The following screenshot is from the H1 Globex GBP and is illustrated in Real Time perfectly using SMART.


Correctly Identify Hidden Selling and Hidden Buying Using VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) and SMART VSA


Text from screenshot:


Identifying Hidden Selling/Buying Using Volume Spread Analysis with SMART VSA


1. Valid Reverse Upthrust or Blue SMART Bar (strength)
2. Valid Upthrust or SMART VSA Spinning Rowboat SMART Firebrick Bar (Weakness)
3. Hidden Buying*
4. Looks like hidden buying but is actually a Market Top Indication or SMART Crimson Bar. (easy to see the differences using SMART just roll over it with your mouse)
5. Hidden Selling (Weakness)*
6. Hidden Buying (Strength)*
7. Hidden Selling (Weakness)*


Hidden Selling or Buying is seen as a Pseudo Upthrust after a widespread Downbar bar (Strength) or a Pseudo Reverse Upthrust following a widespread UP bar.


For the purposes of this example only the modules needed to illustrate hidden selling and hidden buying and the difference between those signals and other similar looking signals are shown.


*A Hidden Buying and Hidden Selling Module will be included in a future update so the colors identifying them using SMART will change. 

Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on. 

These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well. 

Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system). 

For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com 

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.


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220+ Pips on GBPUSD Using SMART VSA (Volume Spread Analysis)

Here is a quick chart illustrating how just a few simple but powerful VSA signals combined with SMART VSA can be very successful.


Text from screenshot:

GBPUSD Hourly Chart Using Simple VSA (upthrusts and reverse upthrusts) and some Advanced VSA (Advanced Strength and Weakness Module) only


1.Reverse Upthrust (Blue SMART Bar)


2.Upthrust (Spinning Rowboat as well)
followed by multiple signs of weakness.


3. Advanced Strength Indication


Altogether these moves accounted for 220+ pips going signal to signal.


This is an illustration how just a couple of strong VSA signals paired with our own advanced VSA indicators can be traded successfully.


Please keep in mind SMART Trader itself is painting these bars which makes these patterns and setups much easier to spot and act on.
These patterns repeat themselves day in and day out and using SMART you can clearly see not only standard VSA signals but our advanced multibar SMART VSA patterns as well.
Trade setups are verified using our proprietary background scanners (included with the system).
For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit
SMART Trader at pipbuilders.com or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room at http://vsa.pipbuilders.com
Good luck trading and see you in the chat.


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