Update on Traderelayer Advanced Alerts (Coming soon)

Even though this article is detailing the traderelayer service, I know many of you check in at this site only so I am pasting it in here as well.

Here is the post text and screenshot from the TR article.

Sorry for the lack of updates recently regarding the advanced Trade Alerts but it’s all been mainly testing and not much to report as a result.

Advanced is nearly ready for launch. Here is yesterdays total. This is the final total for the day, not from one trade for those that will ask.

From the MyFxBook Daily Total Alert for the advanced account “total for today +712.3 pips”. A screenshot of the twitter feed is below.

I hope all is well and if you have any questions or issues please let me know using the support link on our website.


Traderelayer Advanced Results for 11-10-2014

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