Major Changes and Updates To Our Support System

rejoicingAnd…  There was much rejoicing.

There are a huge number of improvements over the older support system but some of the main points are… You can now reply to tickets using email without them getting missed!!!  Ticket numbers will display right away (when the ticket is submitted) so there’s no need to go digging for it in an email somewhere.  We have an issue with a RBL block on our support mail server which still needs to be addressed but in the meantime if you don’t get a response within an hour or so (Usually it’ll be much faster) check your email folders and filters.  It’s likely your email client or service ate our reply and it’s waiting for you.

I am going to switch it over live shortly.  It looks a bit more like the new design too.

There is a new FAQ area combined as well which I will be populating as we go.

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