Monthly Archives: May 2011

Last Call…

It's been a long time since I've upated here on SMART (Behind the scenes) stuff.

We are fast approaching our goal of licensed SMART installations (Cheers) and will likely be stopping sales to focus on finishing the porting to a stand alone version (a free upgrade to existing clients) at that point.

The stand alone will likely be priced a bit higher than our current version so your chances to own it on the cheap are evaporating. Nothing is etched in stone in terms of pricing but most SMART users report recouping their money very quickly (usually within days) and after nearly a year of sales we have only had 6 refund requests which I think is a fitting testament to how worthwhile a bump in the price of the software is.

For more information or if you have any questions about SMART Trader Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) Software please visit 
SMART Trader at here or visit our Live and Free VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) Chat and Trading Room here

For information about our coming Forex and E-mini Real Time Alert Service click here

Good luck trading and see you in the chat.

Posted in Main